Versatile Blogger Award #2

So, I'm not sure how this works. I've been nominated for this award for the second time, thanks to Nicky from The Nicky Experience! Guys, check out her blog for interesting posts about her adventures and I really love her photos :)) First rule: Reveal 7 facts about myself. This is a little nerve wracking… Continue reading Versatile Blogger Award #2

Sunshine Blogger Award

Okay guys, what's going on? I can't believe that I've been nominated for another award! This actually made me smile 🙂 Thank you Audra for the nomination and check out her blog! She reviews books and I have always found it interesting to hear what people think of books or movies. So here are the Rules:… Continue reading Sunshine Blogger Award

Versatile Blogger Award

What a surprise to be nominated for this award! This honour was bestowed upon me by Em , who is the author of such an aesthetically beautiful blog called Earthly Brain. She has interesting ramblings and poems that I am currently binge-reading. So, the first rule is to reveal 7 facts about myself. I personally find it… Continue reading Versatile Blogger Award